Expressing and Reasoning about Service Contracts in Service-Oriented Computing


The Web services and service-oriented architectures (SOA) vision by Helland, P. (2005) is about building large-scale distributed applications by composing coarse-grained autonomous services in a flexible architecture that can adapt to changing business requirements. These services interact by exchanging one-way messages through standardized message processing and transport protocols. This vision is being driven by economic imperatives for integration and automation across administrative and organizational boundaries. This paper presents a concise yet expressive model for service contracts to describe messaging behavior. The idea is simple: we use Boolean conditions to specify when a message can be sent and received, where the conditions refer only to other messages in the service contract - that is, conditions only refer to a service’s externalized messaging state and not to internal state.

2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), Chicago, USA
Dr. Jim Webber
Dr. Jim Webber
Chief Scientist

I’m a computer scientist interested in fault-tolerance for graph databases.
